How to Remove Tan From Face & Skin Immediately?

How to Remove Tan From Face & Skin Immediately?

Tanning on the face? Skin appearing dark? Oh my God, what has happened to my skin. I had a pretty fair color.

This is what we say when we notice the tan on our face and neck because these are the most exposed parts of our body and anybody tends to notice only these two first.

So, whether that scorching summer season has passed or you have recently come back from a beach trip, you will notice a change in the color of the skin. Usually tanning is said to last for around 2 weeks but in some cases, it may extend a bit.

I completely understand how tanned skin must be causing havoc to your confidence and you must be thinking of remaining home caged for the next couple of weeks.

If you too think like this then stop!! I have some cool home based remedies for you to get rid of that nasty tan besides usage of a good sunscreen.

Tips on How To Remove Tan from Face

Let’s first discuss about the qualities of a good sunscreen –
It should be able to protect against both types of UV lights UVA and UVB, so it must be SPF 15 or higher.

It should have chemicals like

  • Titanium dioxide or zinc oxide
  • Ecamsule
  • Water resistant
  • Apply 15-30 minutes before stepping out in the sunlight
  • Reapply after every two hours

Now here we end up with the sunscreen part, let’s go to home remedies because no matter what brand or how good a sunscreen is, it is not fully effective and also not at all chemical free. So people like you and I are always looking for alternatives to the chemical laden products.



Curd, especially sour curd is said to do wonders for the skin. It is highly rich in vitamin C which helps in the synthesis of collagen protein required to maintain the elasticity of the skin. With ageing, skin loses its elasticity due to loss in collagen protein. So, if we apply curd and massage it for a good 5-10 minutes, it will not only remove tan from the skin but also hydrate it and supply vitamin C to it!! Take 2-3 tablespoons of curd in a bowl and apply it on the skin, massage it for 5-10 minutes and then leave for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, wash it with lukewarm or normal water.

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Oat Scrub

how to remove tan from face at home

Like oats? It’s not only good for maintaining your weight but also for your skin. All you have to do is take 2 or 3 spoonful of oatmeals and make a paste out of it using milk. After this apply it as a scrub and wash it later. This is a magnificent scrub for eliminating tan and dead skin from the face as well as from the body.



Potatoes are not good for your health and fitness? Right. But do you know that potato juice is a wonderful remedy for dark and tanned skin ? Potato juice has a natural bleaching tendency, so it works wonders over tanned skin. Just apply potato juice over your face and neck with the help of cotton and let it dry. After drying out, wash it off with regular water. Repeat it for two times a week to observe changes.

Aloe vera gel

aloe vera gel

Aloe vera gel is a godsent product for any sort of skin problem. So, besides tanning if you have a burning sensation then this is the product for you. It will not only heal your skin from any skin problem but will also make it naturally glowing. You can mix oil or vitamin E capsules with it and apply it as a cream or massaging gel. Wash it off with lukewarm to regular water. Repeat for two times a week for maximum effect.

Orange juice and yogurt

orange juice

Orange juice is another good source of vitamin C. Vitamin C maintains the collagen content of your skin besides giving it a natural glow and has anti aging properties. Yogurt is a natural skin cooling agent and so it banishes all sorts of skin irritation problems. If both are mixed together in the preparation of a face mask, they will have a thaumaturgic effect on the skin and your face will get rid of that bad, bad tan. Apply it in a paste form and wash it off later with water.

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Turmeric and gram flour face mask

turmeric powder

Since time immemorial turmeric and gram flour have been said to be the best friends of skin. Turmeric has natural antibiotic and anti inflammatory properties besides bringing glow to the face. Gram flour is a natural anti tanning substance and also a great exfoliator for the skin. Just combine gram flour, a pinch of turmeric and rose water and make a paste. Apply this thick consistent paste on the face and leave for 20-30 minutes and wash it with water after drying.

Cucumber juice

how to remove tan from face immediately

Cucumber besides aiding in weight loss, is a wonderful skin cooling agent. Just grind a cucumber and extract juice by filtering. Apply this extracted juice using a cotton ball, on the face and the neck. After drying, wash it off using water.

Raw milk

how to remove tan from face home remedies

Milk is a wonderful anti sun-tan substance. Just use it in the raw form. Take 2-3 tablespoons of raw milk in a bowl and by using a cotton ball, apply it on the face. Wash it off with water once it is completely dried out. Also, check out Neutrogena pure mild facial cleanser review here.

Final Words

So, these are some amazing home based remedies costing you like nothing. Everything is available at home and all you have to do is apply it on the face and voila, you are again party ready. You can now flaunt all your sparkly and light colored clothes again.


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